Medicine For Rock Stones On Kidney For Pregnant Womens Meds Or Salt For Ich?

Meds or salt for Ich? - medicine for rock stones on kidney for pregnant womens

I think my tank-I species, as I see some white spots on some fish. What would be the best solution? Drugs or salt? Salt and I need to stop the carbon filter?

Tank Information:

10 gallons
has a water heater
have a filter
Air Distribution

1 cycle of zebra found
1 red zebra cichlid
Blue Zebra Cichlid 1
1 cichlids Kenyi
1 Yellow Lab Cichlid

I think I have a few plants like Amazon swords, and a stone pagoda

Since the information, saline or drugs?


autobot femme 1 said...

both. Low Salt keeps diseases. With salt, sometimes the disease can be still displayed. Salt and drug use. Salt is not filtered to be so careful, and do not add too much. follow the instructions.

izzy711 said...

Ok, you can add salt to the water if you want, but seeing the crowd. You must already salt in the tank that you have cichlids. Thus, the salt will not have a big impact. I know. I have a tank of 220 liters of Africa. This will be best to start with speed only medication as soon as possible. Good bookkeeping Fish

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