Premarin Farms Should PMU Farms Be Banned And Should The Drug Called Premarin?

Should PMU farms be banned and should the drug called Premarin? - premarin farms

I do it for my school English class, I am a research question. I just want a yes or no.


shawnamb... said...

Yes ..
I did a search on estrogens in the last year in my English class.
basically the same, with the exception of various drugs.
It is a terrible thing and should be banned.

shawnamb... said...

Yes ..
I did a search on estrogens in the last year in my English class.
basically the same, with the exception of various drugs.
It is a terrible thing and should be banned.

shawnamb... said...

Yes ..
I did a search on estrogens in the last year in my English class.
basically the same, with the exception of various drugs.
It is a terrible thing and should be banned.

Pans'Mom said...

There are certain circumstances that the drugs do, and it is therefore necessary operations.
Circumstances as a woman whose hormones in a constant state of PMS, the behavior and she is allergic to all other options were. Or a child has a rash on his private parts, which responds only to Premarin creams on them.
If the entire industry is probably just the right amount of the company? Yes ... One moment ... He has already ...
It is not as simple as yes or no.
If you do a research you need to get the issue on some pages with photos activist dramatic and "news" in the 70s - in a series of changes in modern nursing research and fasted treatment of horses.
Pray that the teachers made no knowledge of the industry.

Starlight 1 said...

You see, you must stop the same question over and over again people are sick of it. PMU farms no longer exist in the United States and most are located in Canada, and the Fund has been largely abandoned the market for Premarin, but not for the reasons you might think. It was a comprehensive study on the effects of hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women, called Women's Health Initiative, which was suspended in 2001 after it became clear that women who took drugs Premarin and Prempro and Premphase relatives suffer and die of heart attacks and strokes on the be twice the normal average. The resulting negative publicity on this case led to a dramatic decline in the number of prescriptions written for either the drug-replacement therapy that women increasingly refuse to take medication because of the risks. These risks outweigh and exceed the alleged benefits of these drugs, and many doctors have ceased to have started the prescription or the prescription or synthetic alternatives to the factory. This in turn meant that fewer mares that are bred in other properties and the fact that fewer unwanted offspring to a slaughterhouse. Wyeth-Ayerst, the maker of Premarin has seen its market share (once) Shink lived less than one tenth of what it was and the company was forced to dismiss or terminate the contracts of a urine once the PMU farms, because there is no market for the product.

Whether the drug be withdrawn from the market, the answer is yes, and continued negative publicity about the risks with these drugs is more to do than any legislation ever connected. All medicines from Wyeth Ayerst has to use a label of black-box warning on them about what can happen, women, the drugs for a long time. The next step after a label on the "Black Box" is the forced relocation of drugs, and I think they are really not very far away, nothing more. There has been much negative press about these drugs and their dangers, not to mention the atrocities that have several products containingThey ucing for continued positive sales trend for a long time. In addition, the horse industry itself is well aware, the problem will be taken Premarin and efforts to stop it.

One result of these efforts, in fact, the ban on the slaughter of horses in the United States. Legislation to ban horse slaughter and make it a federal crime law a year ago by George Bush, with the result that the 3 other horse slaughterhouses have closed their doors in the United States. Horse slaughter ban means Premarin mares and foals that are not productive abroad in regions such as Europe and the Far East, where the choice steaks sold in expensive restaurants. Canada is different, which still allow the slaughter, and have always PMU farms. That is not our place in the United States, which the Canadians and don'ts "that are independent from us to dictate. Note also that the United States is perhaps the only country where the cultural taboo on eating horse meat and meat products Riding for cooperation hasbe given to a delicacy in most of the rest of the world. In Europe, French consumers are more aware, but are by no means alone. Most countries in the Pacific Rim also eat horse meat, and countries like Japan, young horse meat (eg beef and ponies) is particularly favored, as the United States tend to favor meat or young. Will I not on the ethics of whether or not it is cruel because it is not the role or in the United States, transferred to other countries on an issue like this. We are food police in the world. Premarin stop global production is more than a simple ban here in America. Even if they leave the market at all, it will occur in other countries and places where they. The same is true for other drugs, but not so obvious, that's all.

Enough said.

burdfour said...

I think it is funny, funny, funny drug Premarin .... Pregnant mares urine.

American... said...

They have asked that 2 times in 2 weeks. Why do you ask the same thing again? All said they agree.

Edit ******** ********
~ ~ ~ You Pan'sMom synthetic now! There is no reason for the PMU to open !!!!! remain

faith_4_... said...

Yes, it should be banned

coorscow... said...

U HUN How often is this question ... anyway

YES on banning

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