Colonoscopy Cause Infection What Causes Pain On Lower Left Side?

What causes pain on lower left side? - colonoscopy cause infection

I am a woman of 20 years. I had an infection in my intestines a month ago. Now he's gone, I had a colonoscopy a few days. Everything was in order.

But I do not understand what the cause of the pain.


kinndee7... said...

Could it be gas. This can sometimes be very painful. Also, if you in the lowest part of the left abdomen, it could be ovulation or ovarian cyst. This much is happening and most women are unaware that they have. Usually the pain only occur if the cyst breaks / pause, and then leaves. If you believe may be the case, please contact Gyne. "Ovarian cysts symptoms

Usually no symptoms, and ovarian cysts during a routine physical examination are performed or detected by chance on an ultrasound examination for reasons other times. However, the following symptoms may be present:

Pain in the abdomen or pelvis, you can start and stop and can be severe, sudden and brutal

In the long term pelvic pain during menstruation

Pelvic pain after strenuous exercise or sexual relations

Nausea and vomiting

Vaginal pain, bleeding or spotting from the vagina

Infertility "

Good luck

Fauna said...

With your history, you should call your doctor.

ska8ter said...

Gas, which can be painful

Ms. Humpy said...

This could be a number of things that are most left.maybe organs in, the need for ovarian cysts or infections of the kidney will be reviewed, you should consult your doctor.

howard g said...

Kidney or may be something was perforated during a colonoscopy. You should consult your doctor immediately.

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