Residential Appraisal Company Residential Real Estate Appraisal Management Companies?

Residential Real Estate Appraisal Management Companies? - residential appraisal company

Can someone me a good idea, information on websites, how to get a management company of the evaluation? For better results than me, I'm surprisingly empty. Thanks in advance, S


Anonymous said...

Whether you are an appraiser or a lender I would suggest going with The William Craig Company (WCCI). They offer nationwide appraisal and appraisal management and review services (depending on your specific needs). They cover full residential services, and each appraisal is hand reviewed. Their technology allows for 24/7 status checks and email updates throughout the appraisal process. Check them out at

Ryan said...

You may contact your State Department of Commerce. In many states, AMC will be listed and approved. Most lenders will require that you also have a management company has been approved.

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